Product Info

Table Of Contents
TX62-W(-B/-C)/TX82-W Hardware Interface Description
5.1 Directives and Standards
t TX62-W_TX62-W-x_TX82-W_HID_v01.000 2021-05-19
Confidential / Preliminary
Page 134 of 154
5.1.1 IEC 62368-1 Classification
With respect to the safety requirements for audio/video, information and communication tech-
nology equipment defined by the hazard based product safety standard for ICT and AV equip-
ment - i.e., IEC-62368-1 (EN 62368-1, UL 62368-1) - Cinterion
modules are classified as
shown below:
Standalone operation of the modules is not possible. Modules will always be incorporated in an
external application (Customer Product).
Customer understands and is responsible that the product incorporating the Cinterion
must be designed to be compliant with IEC-62368-1 (EN 62368-1, UL 62368-1) to ensure pro-
tection against hazards and injuries. When operating the Cinterion® module the external appli-
cation (Customer Product) must provide safeguards not to exceed the power limits given by
classification to Power Source Class 1 (15 Watts) under normal operating conditions, abnormal
conditions, or in the presence of a single fault. When using a battery power supply the external
application must provide safeguards not to exceed the limits defined by PS-1, as well. The ex-
ternal application (Customer Product) must take measures to limit the power, the voltage or the
current, respectively, if required, and must provide safeguards to protect ordinary persons
against pain or injury caused by the voltage/current.
In case of a usage of the Cinterion
module not in accordance with the specifications or in sin-
gle fault condition the external application (Customer Product) must be capable to withstand
levels according to ES-1 / PS-1 also on all ports that are initially intended for signaling or audio,
e.g., USB, RS-232, GPIOs, SPI, earphone and microphone interfaces.
In addition, the external application (Customer Product) must be designed in a way to distribute
thermal energy generated by the intended operation of the Cinterion
module. In case of high
temperature operation, the external application must provide safeguards to protect ordinary
persons against pain or injury caused by the heat.
Table 36: IEC 62368-1 Classification
Source of Energy Class Limits
Electrical energy source ES-1 The Cinterion
modules contain no electrical
energy source - especially no battery. The electri-
cal components and circuits have to be externally
power supplied:
DC either smaller 60 V
Or less than 2 mA
AC up to 1kHz smaller 30 V-rms or 42.4 V peak
AC above 100kHz smaller 70 V rms
Power Source
(potential ignition source caus-
ing fire)
PS-1 Power source provided by the external application
must not exceed 15W, even under worst case and
any single fault condition defined by IEC-62368-1: