
Table Of Contents
TX62-W/TX82-W Hardware Interface Description
3.4 Power Supply
t TX62-W_TX62-W-x_TX82-W-x_HID_v01.200d 2022-09-08
Public / Preliminary
Page 98 of 170
3.4 Power Supply
TX62/TX82 needs to be connected to a power supply at the SMT application interface - 2 lines
BATT+, and GND. There are two separate voltage domains for BATT+:
with a line mainly for the baseband power supply.
with a line for the GSM/LTE power amplifier supply. Please note that this line does
not have to be connected with TX62-W.
Please note that BATT+ in this document refers to both voltage domains and power supply
lines - BATT+
and BATT+
The power supply of TX62/TX82 has to be a single voltage source at BATT+
and BATT+
It should be of type PS1, according to IEC 62368-1, and must be able to provide the peak cur-
rent during the uplink transmission.
Suitable low ESR capacitors should be placed as close as possible to the BATT+ pads, e.g.,
X7R MLCC (see also Section 2.1.2).
All key functions for supplying power to the device are handled by the power management IC.
It provides the following features:
Stabilizes the supply voltages for the baseband using low drop linear voltage regulators and
a DC-DC step down switching regulator.
Switches the module's power voltages for the power-up and -down procedures.
SIM switch to provide SIM power supply.
3.4.1 Power Supply Ratings
Table 23, Table 24, Table 25, Table 26, and Table 27 assemble various voltage supply and
current consumption ratings (GSM, Cat M1 and Cat NB1/2) of the module.
Table 23: Voltage supply ratings
Description Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
BATT+ TX82-W Supply voltage
(LTE and GSM)
Directly measured at Module.
Voltage must stay within the min/
max values, including voltage drop,
ripple, spikes
For every BATT+ transition/reinser-
tion from 0V, BATT+ should be at
least 2.65V to power on the module.
3.1 4.6 V
TX82-W Supply voltage
(GSM deactivated)
2.8 4.6 V
TX82-W-B Supply voltage
(LTE and GSM)
3.1 4.5 V
TX82-W-B Supply voltage
(GSM deactivated)
2.9 4.5 V
TX62-W Supply voltage 2.55 4.8 V
TX62-W-B Supply voltage 2.5 4.5 V
TX62-W-C Supply voltage 3.2 4.2 V
Maximum allowed voltage
drop during transmit burst
Normal condition, power control
level for Pout max
400 mV
Voltage ripple Normal condition, power control
level for Pout max
@ f <= 250 kHz
@ f > 250 kHz