User's Manual

AirLive WIAS-1200G
User’s Guide
information of a transaction. This field may contain any format of information.
First Name: The first name of a customer associated with the billing or shipping address of a
transaction. In the case when John Doe places an order, enter John in the First Name field indicating
this customer’s name.
Last Name: The last name of a customer associated with the billing or shipping address of a
transaction. In the case when John Doe places an order, enter Doe in the Last Name field indicating
this customer’s name.
Company: The name of the company associated with the billing or shipping information entered on a
given transaction.
Address: The address entered either in the billing or shipping information of a given transaction.
City: The city is associated with either the billing address or shipping address of a transaction.
State: A state is associated with both the billing and shipping address of a transaction. This may be
entered as either a two-character abbreviation or the full text name of the state.
Zip: The ZIP code represents the five or nine digit postal code associated with the billing or shipping
address of a transaction. This may be entered as five digits, nine digits, or five digits and four digits.
Country: The country is associated with both the billing and shipping address of a transaction. This
may be entered as either an abbreviation or full value.
Phone: A phone number is associated with both a billing and shipping address of a transaction. Phone
number information may be entered as all number or it may include parentheses or dashes to separate
the area code and number.
Fax: A fax number may be associated with the billing information of a transaction. This number may be
entered as all number or contain parentheses and dashes to separate the area code and number.
¾ Credit Card Payment Page Remark Content
Enter additional details for the transaction such as Tax, Freight and Duty Amounts, Tax Exempt status,
and a Purchase Order Number, if applicable.