User Manual

Table Of Contents
Enter Setup
1560 Series Barcode Scanner User Guide
2.5 USB HID VIA 3656
For USB HID, use the USB cable to connect the scanner via 3656 to the USB port of PC
and connect the power supply cord if necessary. Run any text editor on your computer,
and the scanned data will be transmitted to the computer.
HID Settings
Keyboard Type PCAT (US)
Digits Layout Normal
Capital Lock Type Normal
Capital Lock State Off
Alphabets Transmission Case-sensitive
Digits Transmission Alphanumeric keypad
Inter-Function Delay 0 (ms)
Send “NR” to Host Disable
When USB HID interface is activated, you will have to select a keyboard type to complete
this setting. By default, BT HID is activated on the scanner, and the keyboard type is set
to PCAT (US).
1) Read the label above to activate USB HID and select a keyboard type.
2) Read the “Decimal Value
” label on page 187. Refer to the table below for the number
of desired keyboard type.
3) Read the “Validate” label on the same page to complete this setting.
Activate USB HID
Select Keyboard Type …