User's Manual

9200 Mobile Compute
Reference Manual
Redundancy Level Sets how many successful readings should be done before certain
barcodes are decoded. Levels 1 to 4 available; default setting is Level
1. The readings needed for each level are as follows:
Level 1 The following barcodes must be successfully read
twice before being decoded:
Barcode Types Code Length
Codabar 8 characters or less
MSI 4 characters or less
Industrial 25 (Discrete 25) 8 characters or less
Interleaved 25 8 characters or less
Level 2 All barcodes must be successfully read twice before
being decoded.
Level 3 All barcodes must be successfully read twice before
being decoded, except for the following which must be
read three times:
Barcode Types Code Length
Codabar 8 characters or less
MSI 4 characters or less
Industrial 25 (Discrete 25) 8 characters or less
Interleaved 25 8 characters or less
Level 4 All barcodes must be successfully read three times
before being decoded.
Security Level Selects the security level to ensure decoding accuracy considering the
printed quality of certain barcodes. Default setting is Level 0. The
higher the level, the greater the security. Options are:
Level Description
0 With this default, the scan engine is aggressive enough to
decode most “in-spec” barcodes.
1 Select this level if misdecodes have occurred. It fixes
most misdecodes.
Select this level if Level ˄ should fail to eliminate
3 Select this level if Security Level 2 should fail to prevent
misdecodes. However, as this level actually impairs the
decoding ability of the decoder, a safer solution would be
to improve the quality of the bar codes to read.