Installation Instructions

Using RK95 Mobile Computer
To your Android device, the SD card can serve as an extension of your device’s internal
storage (which comes as 16 GB of flash memory to store the OS, applications and files)
other than a portable storage place.
Go to
App Drawer (All Apps) | Settings | Storage to check usage of the
internal and external storage spaces.
By default, all the videos, photos and downloaded files are directly saved to the device’s
internal storage. If you have previously inserted and mounted an SD card as
storage, you could transfer/save photos & other media in this SD card; if the SD card is set
as internal storage, photos, files, and some apps could be moved to the SD card.
SD card as portable storage
in Storage Settings page
SD card as internal storage
in Storage Settings page
The SD card is used for moving
photos and other media between
The SD card is used for storing
anything on this device only,
including apps and photos.
Requires formatting that
prevents it from working with
other devices.