User`s guide

The first is to use the drop down menus to change the default settings for
Comm Port, Baud Rate, Parity and Stop Bits to the correct values.
Obviously, this assumes you know which settings the radio is using. If,
however, those parameters may have been changed and are not known,
a second method is available.
The Auto Detect Function
The Auto Detect function works this way. If set to FALSE, once OK is
selected, the program uses the default settings to try to communicate
with the radio. If set to TRUE, the program will begin a systematic
process beginning with the first valid port (COM 1 in most cases) then
will cycle through each combination of settings until a radio is found.
Depending on what values the radio requires, this could take a few
moments. However, once the settings have been found, the Current
Settings window will display the ZN-241G settings, the Connect button
will change to Disconnect
The Main Program Window
This is the main ZN Wizard program window. On the left side is a
readout of the current settings for the radio. On the right side are radio
parameters that can be modified. The parameters are grouped according
to function. When a value in a field is grayed out, that means it cannot be
changed due to some other setting that has been selected. For example,
if Network is set to Auto-Config, you are not able to make a selection in
Device Mode since that selection is set automatically in Auto-Config