User's Manual

The Configuration screen, shown in Figure 7-3, allows you to customize the
settings for the Network PC Card and your wireless network.
The Wireless Mode setting determines the architecture of your wireless net-
work. Select Ad-Hoc or Infrastructure Mode depending on your network
type. The Ad-Hoc mode is used for a simple peer-to-peer network and allows
the sharing of local resources only between Network PC Cards without need-
ing a wireless Access Point. The Infrastructure mode allows a wireless net-
work to be integrated into an existed, wired network through an Access Point.
Infrastructure networks permit roaming between Access Points while main-
taining a connection to all network resources.
An acronym for Service Set Identifier, SSID is the unique name shared among
all points in a wireless network. The SSID must be identical for all points in the
network. It is case sensitive and must not exceed 32 characters.
Figure 7-3
The Link Quality field will display a bar indicating the percentage, between 0
and 100 percent, of the quality of the link. The higher the percentage, the bet-
ter the link.
The Signal Strength field will display a bar indicating the percentage, between
0 and 100 percent, of the strength of the signal. The higher the percentage, the
stronger the signal.
Note: When in Ad-Hoc mode, Link Quality and
Signal Strength indicators will not be available.
Figure 7-2
Network PC Card
Instant Wireless