Technical References

scp-read-timeout time default = 20m
The time limit for how long we should wait for data when
reading an SCP message from this cluster.
shared-secret secret
Specifies the identifier for the secret shared between the
server storing this object and the cluster it represents.
This shared secret is used to generate single-sign-on
authentication tokens.
use-https-port bool default = false
Controls whether the https-port is used to make single sign-on
connections to the cluster. If the value is false, or the
https-port attribute is not set, then the http-port is used.
use-ssl enumstr(disabled=1, optional=2, required=3) default = optional
What security mode should we use when connecting to this cluster.
If optional, and we have a security library installed, we will
try to secure the connection. If required, we will not make
the connection unless we can secure the connection (this requires
the security library to be installed). If none, we will not
try to secure the connection.
dhcp - Configures and controls the DHCP server
dhcp disable <attribute>
dhcp enable <attribute>
dhcp get <attribute>
dhcp set <attribute>=<value> [<attribute>=<value> ...]
dhcp unset <attribute>
dhcp show
dhcp getStats [[all | server [,] failover [,] dhcpv6] [total | sample]]
dhcp resetStats
dhcp getScopeCount [FailoverPair <name> | vpn <name> | all]
dhcp getPrefixCount [vpn <name> | all]
dhcp attachExtension <extension-point> <extension-name> [sequence number]
dhcp detachExtension <extension-point> [sequence number]
dhcp listExtensions
dhcp setPartnerDown <partner-server-name> [<date>]
dhcp getRelatedServers [column-separator=<string>]
dhcp updateSms [all]
dhcp serverLogs show
dhcp serverLogs nlogs=<nlogs> logsize=<logsize>
dhcp limitationList <ipaddr> [<limitation-id>] show