Installation Guide

Cisco Tidal Enterprise Scheduler Patch Installation Guide
6.2.1 SP3
Chapter 1 Windows 6.2.1 SP3 Patch Installation
Patching the Standalone TES Java Client Application
Patching the Standalone TES Java Client Application
The TES Java Client Web interface is updated as part of this TES Master patch process. However, if you
are using the standalone TES Java Client application, you can update it by manually patching the
standalone TES Java Client application. Follow the instructions in
Manually Patching the 6.2.1 SP1 or
SP2 Build TES Java Client, page 3-17.
Verifying the Installation
To verify the Master installation:
Step 1 Make sure that the ojdbc7.jar is replaced by ojdbc6.jar inside the "lib" folder.
Step 2 Make sure that the master.props file mentions ojdbc6.jar instead of ojdbc7.jar.
To verify the Client Manager installation:
Step 1 Make sure that the ojdbc7.jar is replaced by ojdbc6.jar inside the "lib" folder.