User's Manual slip printer CBM-820

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9.2.2 Command Details
[Function] Horizontal Tab
Hexadecimal 09
Decimal 9
[Outline] This command shifts a printing position to the next horizontal tab position.
[Caution] The horizontal tab position is set by ESC D.
The command is ignored if the next horizontal tab position has not been set.
Initial setting of the horizontal tab position is every 8 characters of the 5
7 font(9th, 17th,
25th character, and so on)
[See Also] ESC D
[Function] Line Feed
Hexadecimal 0A
Decimal 10
[Outline] This command prints the data in the print buffer and feeds the paper by a set line feed amount.
[Caution] The head of the line is assumed to be the next printing start position.
[See Also] ESC 2, ESC 3