Instruction manual

4. Maximum Depth: The greatest depth reached during that dive.
5. Dive Time: The total time spent at a depth of 1m (4ft) or more during
that dive.
If you come up to a depth within 1m (4ft) but dive back
down to a depth of 1m (4ft) or more within 10 minutes,
the dive time is continued from the moment it stopped.
The measurement displayed is up to a maximum of 399
minutes. (Measurement is displayed in units of 1 second
up to 99 minutes 59 seconds, then in units of 1 minute).
It then starts over again from 0 seconds.
* If you dive at a depth within 1m (4ft) for more than 10 minutes and then dive back
down to a depth of 1m (4ft) or more, the watch will consider this as a second dive
and record the log data of two separate dives.
< Cancelling log data - when you want to cancel all
recorded log data >
If you press button
for 2 seconds or more while
pressing button
, all log data (of 4 dives) is cancelled.
There is a confirmation beep when this happens.
* You cannot cancel data items separately.
If there is no log data recorded, “----” appears on the Log No. display when
you press button
When the abnormal depth alarm (“ER” is displayed) is activated during a
dive, the maximum depth data flashes on the display.
If something goes wrong with the pressure sensor, “Log No. and “ER” are
alternately displayed when you recall the log data.
When you start a new dive, the log data of the oldest of the 4 dives record-
ed is automatically erased.You should record any data you may need in a
log book before it is erased.
If the watch is left for about 1 hour in Log Mode, it automatically returns to
the Time Modes.
< Explanation of log data terms >
1. Log No.: The number which shows the sequence in which log
data was taken.
The most recent log data is No. 1, and the log no. of the
oldest dive is No. 4.
2. Dive Date: The date the dive took place.
3. Dive Start Time: The time at which diving at a depth of 1m (4ft) or more