Owner’s Manual

Select a line in the list.
Select a track or a folder.
Skip a track.
Up a level in the menu.
USB memory stick - File sorting
Having selected the desired sorting
(" By folders ", " By artists ", " By genres ",
" By playlists ") press OK .
Then con rm OK to save the modi cations.
- By folders : all folders containing audio
les recognised on the peripheral device,
in alphabetical order without following the
folder structure.
- By artists : all of the artist names de ned
in the ID3 Tags, in alphabetical order.
- By genres : all of the genres de ned in the
ID3 Tags.
- By playlists : if playlists have been saved.
Make a long press on LIST or press
MENU , select " Multimedia ", then
" Media parameters " and nally " Choice
of track listing " to display the different
types of sorting.