User manual

No power LED on control panel
Ensure power lead is in good condition and connected properly
Ensure mains outlet voltage is as stated on adapter
Check internal fuse if blowing fuses, refer to service personnel
Power LED is on but no other LEDs and no output
Check input signals and condition of connection leads
Check GAIN is not too low on channel input
Check channel fader, GAIN and EQ controls are not turned fully down
Check MASTER faders are not fully down
For condenser mics, turn down MASTER faders and check phantom is on
Check that PFL buttons are all switched out
Check that all Graphic EQ sliders are not fully down
Power light and VU LEDs lighting but no output
Check output connections to amplifier, recorder or speakers
Check amplifier or recorder levels are not turned fully down
Check that PFL buttons are all switched out
No output from stereo channels
Check that mono input is connected to L/MONO jack
VU LEDs do not show MASTER output level
Check that PFL buttons are all switched out
Output is very loud or distorted
Check level of input signal is not too high
Reduce channel GAIN and EQ settings
Reduce channel and MAIN faders levels
Ensure Hi-Z line level input(s) not connected via XLR
Check output levels of equipment connected via channel inserts
Check AUX and DSP level controls and reduce if necessary
Check input gain level on recorder or recording software
Output is working but at very low level
Check input audio source level is not too low
Ensure low impedance line or mic signal is not connected via jack
Increase channel GAIN control and EQ settings if turned down
Increase channel and MAIN faders levels
Check input gain level on recorder or recording software
Feedback (loud squealing or howling from mics)
Face microphone away from speakers and monitors
Reduce channel GAIN level and EQ level(s)
Reduce AUX and/or EFFECT levels
Reduce channel and/or MAIN fader levels
Note: for further troubleshooting, refer equipment to qualified service personnel for testing
© Citronic 2011