User manual

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Chapter 10 Importing, Exporting, and Printing 107
To create a library by importing:
1 Choose File > Import > File.
2 Click Choose, then select the file you want to import in one of the following
file formats: .csv, .tab, .tsv, .numbers, .xls, .xlsx.
For .csv, .tab, or .tsv files, in the section “Choose the format,” choose
Comma separated, Semicolon separated, or Tab separated.
For Numbers files, use the pop-up menus to select a sheet, then a table.
For Excel files, use the pop-up menu to select a worksheet.
3 For “Choose a target,” choose New Library, and enter a unique name for the
4 Indicate whether the file contains a row with values that you want to use as
field names.
If the file contains a row with column names, click the arrow buttons to
go to that row and select “Use this record’s values as column names.
Bento uses the values in this row as the new field names.
If the file does not contain a row with column names, clear “Use this
records values as column names.
Bento assigns default names to each new field. To change a default field
name, double-click the field name and type a unique name.
5 Bento sets the field types to “Text” by default. To change a field’s type, click
the pop-up menu and select a new field type.
If there is a column that you do not want to import, click the pop-up
menu and select “Do not create.
For information on the field types supported for import, see ”Field Types
Supported for Import” on page 110.
6 Click Import.
When the import is done, Bento displays the records, which you can view in table
view, form view, split view, or grid view.
Importing into an Existing Library
If you want the information that you are importing to go into an existing library,
import the file into that library. Bento creates new records in the library.
You can also import a file into a collection. When you choose a collection as the target
for the import, Bento creates new records in the library that contains that collection,
and adds the new records to the collection.