User manual

Table Of Contents
Address Book application
Address Book groups 37
displaying data 38
import 42
Address Book library
described 37
displaying 38
fields updated in Address Book application 39
hiding 38
migrating 42, 132
syncing 129
troubleshooting 39
address fields 75
ad hoc networks 129
Advanced Find 25, 27
aliases to files or folders 78, 79, 96
aligning fields on forms 56
AppleWorks, exporting from 104
archiving. See backing up
auto-completing text 64
autofilling fields 66
autofilling text fields 64
automatic counter fields 75
Average function 67
backing up
described 123
turning off reminder 125
backups, restoring from 126
bento.bentodb 96, 127
Bento for iPad, syncing Bento with 129, 132
Bento for iPhone, syncing Bento with 129, 132
Bento forum 15
Bento Template Exchange 15, 114
bentoUpgradeBackup.bentodb 139
Blank template 30
calculation fields 74
creating 77
in simple list fields 78
setting up 77
cards. See forms
changing field types 86
checkbox fields 74
checking spelling 137
choice fields 74
ClarisWorks, exporting from 104
collections 10
adding to Libraries pane 19
and Address Book groups 37
creating 44
deleting 45
described 20, 43
displaying different data from 47
importing to 107
relating records in different 80
viewing fields in 28
color of form, changing 54
column dividers 57
column names 107
columns in simple list fields. 67, 89
columns in table view. See also fields 67
described 59
reordering 66
resizing 66
showing or hiding 65
column width (forms) 54
comma-separated value files 9
described 103
computer-to-computer networks 129
displaying 37
emailing 87
Contacts library 42
copies of files in file list fields 78
copying records 49, 62
Count function 67