Instant Web Publishing Guide

Table Of Contents
Chapter 4
Designing a database for Instant Web Publishing 29
Design considerations for List View and Table View
With Instant Web Publishing, users can dynamically choose a layout view to interact with data on the current
layout (provided that you make the layout view available in the Layout Setup dialog box).
The key differences between views in FileMaker Pro and Instant Web Publishing are:
1 In Instant Web Publishing, List View displays the current record at the top of the page, and Table View
displays the current record on the first row of the table. All records in the sort order after the current
record then follow.
1 In FileMaker Pro, the sorting in List View and Table View is not performed relative to the current record
and all records are always displayed regardless of which record is the current record. In Instant Web
Publishing, the sorting in List View and Table View is performed relative to the current record and
determines the number of records displayed. For example, if the current record is the last record in an
ascending sort, only the current record is displayed since there are no other records after it. In a descending
sort of the same records, all records will be displayed with the current record as the first record.
1 In FileMaker Pro, records can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading
(the field name) in Table View. In Instant Web Publishing, records can be sorted in ascending or
descending order by clicking the Sort button in the status area.
Tips for working with data in a web browser
1 Formatting for date, time, timestamp, and number fields is specified in the layout.
1 Web users can view charts that are specified in the layout. If the data for the chart changes, Instant Web
Publishing will display the updated chart. However, web users cannot make any changes to the design of
the chart and cannot create new charts.
1 Repeating field data is displayed in web browsers.
1 The tab order defined for fields in a layout works in Instant Web Publishing. However, fields can only be
tabbed to while in Edit or Find mode. Tab controls and buttons are not included in the tab order in Instant
Web Publishing.
Note The tab order in a web browser might vary from the tab order in FileMaker Pro. Different browsers
might support the tab order in a different manner.
1 Only the Tab key is supported for navigating between fields or objects in Instant Web Publishing.
1 Pop-up menus and pop-up lists display as HTML pop-up menus. Web users can’t edit value lists by using
an Edit item, or enter values that aren’t in a value list by using an Other item.
1 If your solution includes multiple files, Instant Web Publishing must be enabled in all databases. If you
don’t want related files to be accessed directly, you can exclude a filename from the Database Homepage
by enabling the Don’t display in the Instant Web Publishing Database Homepage option in the Instant
Web Publishing dialog box.
1 If your solution includes multiple files, then identical accounts, passwords, and privilege sets must be
created in each file used by Instant Web Publishing. The account and password you provide when you
open the first file is used to authenticate related files.