ODBC and JDBC Guide

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48 FileMaker ODBC and JDBC Guide
Exponential/scientific notation
Numbers can be expressed using scientific notation.
SELECT column1 / 3.4E+7 FROM table1 WHERE calc < 3.4E-6 * column2
Numeric operators
You can include the following operators in number expressions: +, -, *, /, and ^ or ** (exponentiation).
You can precede numeric expressions with a unary plus (+) or minus (-).
Character operators
You can concatenate characters.
In the following examples, last_name is 'JONES ' and first_name is 'ROBERT ':
Date operators
You can modify dates.
In the following examples, hire_date is {D '2008-30-01'}.
Additional examples:
SELECT Date_Sold, Date_Sold + 30 AS agg FROM Sales_Data
SELECT Date_Sold, Date_Sold - 30 AS agg FROM Sales_Data
Operator Concatenation Example Result
+ Keep trailing blank characters first_name + last_name 'ROBERT JONES '
- Move trailing blank characters to the end first_name - last_name 'ROBERTJONES '
Operator Effect on date Example Result
+ Add a number of days to a date hire_date + 5 {D '2008-02-04'}
- Find the number of days between two dates, or
subtract a number of days from a date
hire_date - {D '2008-01-01'}
hire_date - 10
{D '2008-01-20'}