ODBC and JDBC Guide

Table Of Contents
53 FileMaker ODBC and JDBC Guide
Functions that return numbers
Functions that
return numbers Description Example
ABS Returns the absolute value of the numeric expression
ATA N Returns the arc tangent of the argument as an angle
expressed in radians
ATAN2 Returns the arc tangent of x and y coordinates as an angle
expressed in radians
B Returns the decimal equivalent of a binary number B'1001' returns 9
Returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or
equal to the argument
Returns the number of degrees of the argument, which is an
angle expressed in radians
DAY Returns the day part of a date
DAY({d '2010/01/30'}) returns 30
DAYOFWEEK Returns the day of week (1-7) of a date expression DAYOFWEEK({d '2004/05/01'})
returns 7
MOD Divides two numbers and returns the remainder of the
MOD(10,3) returns 1
EXP Returns a value that is the base of the natural logarithm (e)
raised to a power specified by the argument
FLOOR Returns the largest integer value that is less than or equal to
the argument
HOUR Returns the hour part of a value.
INT Returns the integer part of a number INT(6.4321) returns 6
Returns the length of a string LEN('ABC') returns 3
MONTH Returns the month part of a date MONTH({d '2010/01/30'}) returns 1
Returns the natural logarithm of the argument
MAX Returns the larger of two numbers MAX(66,89) returns 89
MIN Returns the smaller of two numbers MIN(66,89) returns 66
MINUTE Returns the minute part of a value
NUMVAL Converts a character string to a number; if the character
string is not a valid number, returns 0
NUMVAL('123') returns 123
PI Returns the constant value of the mathematical constant pi
POW Raises a number to a power POW(7,2) returns 49
RADIANS Returns the number of radians for an argument that is
expressed in degrees
ROUND Rounds a number ROUND(123.456,0) returns 123
ROUND(123.456,2) returns 123.46
ROUND(123.456,-2) returns 100
SECOND Returns the seconds part of a value