User guide

Signing Made Easy
A comprehensive guide
to learning and using
sign lanuage in
everyday life. Until now,
few manuals have done
more than simply show
how to make individual
signs. At last, they have created a
text-and-workbook-in-one. This
volume will teach you how to use
signing in English sentence format.
Signing Made Easy offers the first
thorough, step-by-step approach to
learning sign language, complete
with drills and practice exercises to
increase signing ability and
BP514920 - $14.95
Sign Language Coloring
Books (Set of 6)
These wonderful
coloring books were
created by Frank Allen
Paul, Ralph Miller Sr.,
and Betty Miller. The set
includes 6 coloring
books. Each book contains the
picture accompanied by their sign,
finger spelled word and written word.
The 6 topics covered in these books
are Animals, Clowns, Feelings, Fun,
House, and Opposites.
4167 - $28.95
The Joy Of Signing
Second Edition
This updated and
revised edition furnishes
such vital information
as: the use of space and
directionality when creating a visual
picture; the difference between a
statement, command, and question
when identical signs are used;
pluralization; tense; regularity and
continuity; numbers; and introduces
the use of classifiers.
GPH0520 - $23.99
Signing Illustrated
With more than 1,350
signs, Signing Illustrated
features the key elements
of the most popular sign
language systems which
group signs with similar
shapes and movements, allowing
the student to progress quickly and
easily. The basics - a glossary, the
manual alphabet, fingerspelling,
and hand shapes make this book
ideal for the novice.
BP52134 - $15.00
Sign with Me ABC's Coloring Book
28 p
ages to color and
learn. Parent's guide in the
back. For deaf children or
children with deaf p
920067 -
Signing TImes! Board Book
Beautiful photographs,
illustrations and simple
descriptions designed
o build ASL
vocabulary and develop
word recognition. This
book will help your
child learn to sign while
having fun with friends.
900443 - $12.99 - My First Signs Vol. 1
900405 - $12.99 - Playtime Signs Vol. 2
900467 - $12.99 - Everyday Signs Vol. 3
900499 - $12.99 - Family, Feelings, and
Fun Vol. 4
900505 - $12.99 - ABC Signs Vol. 5
900512 - $12.99 - My Favorite Things
Vol. 6
Can I Help?
Helping the hearing
impaired in emergency
situations. Includes signs,
sentences, and information
to help communicate with the
hearing impaired.
GA530P - $5.95
Book - Pets, Animals and Creatures,
Learning Sign Language
Pets, Animals and
Creatures presents
pictures and signs of
pets, animals, and
creatures found at home,
on the farm, in the forest, in the
desert, in grassland, in the polar
regions, and in the water.
GP-089 - $7.95
Book - Fruits and Vegetables,
Learning Sign Language
An easy way for anyone
to learn the signs for
the most common
fruits and vegetables.
Comes with beautiful
GP-088 - $5.95
Oliver Gets Hearing Aids
His parents are taking
him to an audiologist
where he is being fitted
with hearing aids. Oliver
can now hear and play with friends.
951200 - $14.95
Mother Goose in Sign
Presents five Mother
Goose rhymes in Signed
English. Easy-to-follow
illustrations. 20-page
softcover with color
- $5.95
Signing: How to Speak
with Your Hands
This comprehensive and
easy-to-use guide
contains all the basic
vocabulary and linguistic
information that families, friends, and
professionals need to communicate
effectively with deaf children and
adults. The book includes: more than
1300 signs and their descriptions;
large, clear illustrations; the history
of ESL
and more.
BDD375393 -
Conversational Sign Language II
Learn English words and
their ASL equivalents,
including 750 words, the
interpretation of 220
English idioms and over
300 ASL idioms and
conversational colloquialisms
902360 - $17.95
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