Operating instructions

This planer is sold as is. The planer is designed for the specific purpose of shaping Clark Foam using
the well-known techniques and equipment universally used in the polyurethane foam surfboard in-
dustry since 1958. The planer is not suitable for any other purpose and may cause injury or death if
used for any other application or if any unorthodox surfboard shaping methods or equipment are
used. Beside observation, there is written material and video explaining the above mentioned tech-
niques and equipment.
Should the planer make any unusual noise during operation, immediately stop using the planer and
return it to an authorized Clark Foam representative for inspection and repair. At the Clark Foam
factory we have full repair capabilities and maintain a telephone help service weekdays between 6:00
AM and 2:30 PM P.S.T. at (949) 582-2000.
The planer is double insulated protecting the operator from electrical shock. This is not the real dan-
ger. Fine foam dusts in air in certain concentrations are very explosive. Normally there will be a small
explosion followed by a very large explosion of the foam dust on the ceiling and walls dislodged by
the small explosion. Also foam and wood burns very rapidly. Historically faulty wiring has caused
most shaping room combustion. Serious fires have been caused by poor housekeeping or fuel buildup
combined with faulty wiring. Always keep the planer cord, plug, and all drop cords used in and
around shaping in top condition and use adequate size wire. Do not try to repair damaged or worn
wire and parts with tape or other methods but replace them with new parts using commonly accepted
wiring standards.
If the planer is not frequently blown out with air to clean the foam dust from the bearing area the
bearings may overheat causing premature failure or fire. If the planer is run with faulty bearings the
heat buildup can cause the plastic housing to melt ruining the planer. Significant damage to the hous-
ing can cause danger to the operator.
Keep all screws, bolts, and covers tightly in place. The six bolts holding the blades and blade backplates
in position must be securely tightened at all times.
Avoid loose clothing or other articles that could become entangled in the planer blades. Always hold
the planer very tight when the motor is running. Never operate the planer with a faulty or bypassed
trigger or other modified wiring.
The handles on the planer are significantly weaker than the handles on standard electric power plan-
ers. If there is any evidence of housing or handle failure, especially rear handle failure, stop using the
planer until it is the repaired at the Clark Foam factory.