Owners Manual

Input Connector Choose the input connector(s) to be associated with this source button. Any
source button may be associated with any input connector(s). Also, multiple
source buttons may be assigned to the same connector(s).
Source Name e Source Name button provides a way to customize the names of the sources
as displayed on the Source Selection screen(s). For example, a music server
plugged into the Coax 1 input, you might want to rename the input Music
Server to make it easier to remember.
To change source names, use the keyboard on the touchscreen. A maximum
of 16 characters can be entered. Note that the size of the source buttons varies
depending whether you have 1-3, 4-6 or 7-9+ sources enabled, so the length of
name that may be fully displayed on the button will likewise vary. After entering
the source name, press Enter on the keyboard to save the change.
Important! Note: While the Phono R/L RCA connectors are dedicated phono inputs, the
R2/L2 XLR connectors may serve either line level (the default setting) or phono
sources. Because a line level source might be connected to these XLR inputs
after they’ve been set to phono, there is the possibility that an extremely loud
signal could pass to your amp/speakers. Be sure to label the source button so it
is clear that it’s a Phono input and consider adding a label above the XLR R2/
L2 connectors on the back panel as a reminder that they have been setup as a
phono input.
Output Config e Output Cong button allows you to assign one of the up to six output
conguration options (see Output Setup) as the default for the source button
being set up. Whenever this source is selected, that output conguration will be
employed. You might set up one source such as a disc player to have a output
default conguration with a subwoofer crossed over at 80 Hz for movies. You
may then set up another source button for the same disc player with a dierent
default output conguration, say one with a subwoofer crossed over at 40 Hz,
for music. You may also setup an analog source as “Bypass”, which bypasses
any enabled DSP features. Output Congurations are output setups, and are
discussed in more detail later in this section.
NOTE: e default Output Conguration assignment can be temporarily
overridden from the remote control CONFIG SELECT buttons, from the
Congurations page on the Classé app, or from the Output Congurations
button on the main Menu page. See the section, Using the Delta PRE >
Output Congurations, for more details.
Input Offset Input Oset is used to ensure that all sources playback at comparable level.
ere can be signicant dierences in output levels, especially among analog
sources, which can lead to unexpected changes in volume when switching
among them. e Delta PRE provides an input oset adjustment range from
-10.00 to +10.00 dB.