Owners Manual

happen within the Delta PRE, which uses a high-quality analog volume control
to avoid the loss of resolution associated with digital domain attenuation. If you
press pause or stop, the display will indicate AirPlay - Stopped.
Using an iOS device for AirPlay works the same way. Choose the Music App
icon, tap the AirPlay icon, select the Delta PRE from the list of AirPlay speakers,
choose your music and play. Volume is likewise adjusted in the Delta PRE by
using the volume control on the device.
DLNA If you have chosen a Media Player other than iTunes and/or wish to stream
higher bit-rate les (up to 192 kHz PCM or DSD64 DoP), the Network
connection will use the DLNA protocol. As with AirPlay, simply setup a source
button to use the Network connection. You can stream audio over this
connection whether DLNA or AirPlay, so you only need to enable a single
Network connection to have access to streaming audio from multiple sources.
DLNA is structured around three basic elements: a Media Player, a Renderer and
a File Server. e Media Player is your control interface. It is a program or App
that could reside on a smartphone, tablet or computer and its job is to allow you
to select your music les and control their playback. Examples of popular Media
Players include JRiver, Twonky and Media Monkey. A File Server is where your
audio data les are stored. Your Mac or PC could be the le server or it could
be an outboard storage device such as a NAS (Network Attached Storage) drive.
When called to be played, the data transit the Network from the le server,
through the Ethernet cable into the Delta PRE, which is a Renderer. It decodes
the le, performs any DSP functions you require and converts the audio from
digital data to an analog waveform. It then sets the playback volume and outputs
the signal to your amplier(s).
e setup of a system for using DLNA can become more complex than an
iTunes/AirPlay system and because of the nearly endless combinations of
hardware and software that may be involved, it is beyond the scope of this
manual. You will need to supply and congure the software for your chosen
DLNA Media Player and DLNA server(s). If you need assistance, your Classé
dealer should be able to help.