Owner`s manual

Source Name e Source Name button provides a way to customize the names of the sources
as displayed on the Source Selection screen(s). For example, if you have an
outboard phono stage plugged into the R2/L2 RCA analog inputs, you might
want to rename the source button Phono to make it easier to remember.
size of the source buttons varies depending whether you have 1-3, 4-6 or 7-9+
sources enabled, so the length of name that may be fully displayed on the button
will likewise vary.
After entering the source name, press Enter on the keyboard to save the change.
Configuration e Conguration button allows you to assign one of the up to six
conguration options (see Conguration Setup) as the default for the source
button being set up. Whenever this source is selected, that conguration will be
set up another source button for the same disc player with a dierent default
conguration, perhaps one with a subwoofer crossed over at 40 Hz, for music.
Congurations are speaker setups, and are discussed in more detail later in this
NOTE: e default Conguration assignment can be temporarily
overridden from the Congurations button on the main Menu page. See
the section, Congurations, later in this manual, for more details.
Volume Twofeaturesareincludedthatrelatetotheplaybacklevelofeachsource.
Input Oset is used to ensure that all sources playback at comparable level.
ere can be signicant dierences in output levels, especially among analog
sources, which can lead to unexpected changes in volume when switching
among them. e Sigma SSP provides an input oset adjustment range from
-10 to +10 dB.
Dolby Volume may be enabled to be engaged independently for each source
whenever that source is selected. For more information on Dolby Volume, see
the description later in this manual in the section on Controls.
Favorite Mode e Sigma SSP oers many levels of customization, designed to make everyday
operation easy and uncomplicated. e Favorite Mode feature is just such an
example. Each source button may be setup to automatically choose which mode
the SSP uses to process signals arriving at its input connector. A source used
for watching movies may have a dierent Favorite Mode assigned than one
used primarily for music listening, for example. In this way, mode selection is
not required as a separate step every time a source is changed. Just choose the
source and the pre-assigned Favorite Mode is automatically selected for it. A
two-channel music source might have stereo as its Favorite Mode while a Blu-ray
player is more likely to have a multichannel surround mode assigned.