Owner`s manual

Balance ToadjusttheL/RBalance,whenontheBalancepage,usethevolumeknobor
the volume up/down keys of the remote control. Balance is adjusted in 0.5 dB
increments by alternately boosting and cutting 0.5 dB from each channel. In this
way, the overall level stays roughly the same as the balance shifts. e Balance
control works by making adjustments with the master volume control, so no
additional circuitry enters the signal path when balance adjustments are made.
Adjustments to the balance aect all active Left and Right channel outputs
e Balance control oers a range of +/- 10.0 dB and moving the control to
either extreme turns o the opposite channel (used mostly for troubleshooting).
NOTE: Your L & R speakers may not produce the exact same
output for a given input, or their location in the room or relative
to your listening position may contribute to a perceived imbalance
of up to a few dB. To compensate for this, play a simple vocal
recording and put the SSP in Mono (press Menu, then Mono).
Open the Balance control page and using the volume control
on remote, adjust the balance until the sound image is perfectly
centered. If you close your eyes and do this a few times, you will
nd that one number, (e.g. Right 1.5 dB) may appear consistently.
If so, you know that is the adjustment your system requires. Leave
the setting there, return to normal stereo operation and then forget
all about the balance control.
DTS Music SimilartotheDolbyPLIIx/PLIIzMusicmode,theDTSNeo6Musicmode
provides the option of changing the Center Width setting. e Center Width
control adjusts the center versus left/right channel balance to control how wide
the center image is. Increasing the number moves the balance toward the left and
right channels and away from the center.
Lip Sync e Lip Sync function allows temporary adjustment of audio delay. is is
sometimes necessary due to a problem with the media or as a result of video
processing somewhere in the signal chain causing a video delay. Lip sync allows
a corresponding audio delay to be added to synchronize audio with video. Lip
Sync is a temporary function which is reset to zero upon change of source or
going into/out of standby.
Video Preview Choosing Video Preview will show the incoming video signal on the
touchscreen. is can be helpful when the SSP is not located in the same room
as the theater, giving a view of the video signal without requiring a local monitor.
It is also a useful troubleshooting tool to determine if a signal is in fact arriving
from the source. Some people just like how it looks, so it may be selected as a
display will cause it to revert to touchscreen control. If chosen as a timeout
option, the preview screen will appear after the timeout period has expired.