Owner`s manual

4.2.1 Connect the SSP-25’s Left Front and Right Front Outputs to the Left Front and Right Front amplifier(s):
Choose XLR or RCA connectors depending on which style your amplifier requires. (See the boxed comment
above for DB25 connections.)
We recommend the balanced XLR connections for Left Front and Right Front channels, if at all possible.
First, align the three pins and their receptacles properly and push the connectors firmly into place until you
hear a “click.” This tells you the cable is seated properly.
RCA-style cables should be twisted slightly as you insert them into the appropriate jack (follow the
manufacturer’s suggestions here).
Using the appropriate cable, connect the SSP-25’s Left Front output to the corresponding amplifier input.
Next, connect the SSP-25’s Right Front output to the corresponding amplifier input.
4.2.2 Connect the SSP-25’s Center Channel output to the Center Channel amplifier.
When you use the RCA connections, make sure you observe proper channel continuity.
4.2.3 Connect the SSP-25’s Left and Right Surround (rear) Channel outputs to the Left and Right Surround
If you’ve elected the DB25 connector, your worries are already over. With RCA connections, observe the
advice in 1) above. Note that the SSP-25’s “SURR-L” jack is the Left Surround output while the “SURR-R”
jack is the Right Surround output. But you knew that already, didn’t you?
4.2.4 Connect the SSP-25’s Sub (Subwoofer) output.
Note: If your power amplifier is a six channel unit, your subwoofer is a passive design
(i.e., without its own internal power amplifier), and you’re using a DB25 cable, ignore
this Section entirely.
Follow the suggestions above for RCA-style connections and remember to observe proper channel continuity.
If you’re using a passive (non-amplified) subwoofer, connect the SSP-25’s “Sub” output to the corresponding
amplifier input. Then connect the amplifier to the subwoofer with appropriate speaker cable.
If you’re using a self-powered subwoofer (one with a built-in amplifier), connect the “Sub” output to the subwoofer’s
line level input. In this case, we strongly suggest that you disable the subwoofer’s internal crossover as the SSP-
25 already performs all necessary frequency filtering with a sophisticated digital crossover. The subwoofer’s own
crossover, usually a less capable circuit, is not needed unless it incorporates system-specific bass contouring or
servo control circuits.
Caution: Do not connect a power amplifier’s output to a subwoofer’s line level input. This will almost certainly
damage the subwoofer, possibly damage the amplifier, and may harm both units. Most manufacturers will not
honor warranties on equipment hooked up this way as this constitutes “misuse.”
4.3 Connecting Source Components to the SSP-25