Owner`s manual

5.2.2 Activating the Menu System
Activate the menu system by pressing the remote’s MENU key.
The Main MENU screen will appear on your SSP-25 display.
This screen allows three choices: Mode setup, Source setup, and System setup. These choices lead, as you can
tell from the MENU Tree diagram, to all the selections you will need to make to properly configure your processor. You
can only set up the SSP-25 with the Remote wand. The Information Display window will show “Main MENU” when you
first access the menu system. Below will be “Mode Setup.” Remember that you must exit the menu system completely,
by pressing the remote’s MENU button, before using the SSP-25 normally. When you exit the menu, the Information
Display will show the current Source: (Digital, Analog, DTS 3/2.1, etc.) and show in the second line the Operating
Mode (Stereo, Dolby Pro Logic, DTS CINEMA, etc, if there is a signal present or “No Signal” if a signal is not present Mode Setup overview
Pressing MENU while in any play mode and in any input will bring up the “Main MENU, Mode setup” display. If you are
using the SSP-25 to play music or watch a movie it will continue to operate in the same fashion as before you pressed
the MENU key. Any changes you make in setup which affect the input and or mode you are using will be immediately
While in “setup mode” all the other operational keys on the remote and on the front panel of the SSP-25 will continue
to operate as they normally do.
While in “Setup mode” pressing the volume keys will briefly change the lower line of the display to display “Volume”
with the volume setting shown to the right. As long as you are setting or resetting volume the “Volume” will continue to
If you change Inputs, say from AV1 to AUD1 while in “Setup mode” the new Input will be displayed briefly, then the
current input type (digital) and decode mode (stereo) will be displayed for a moment, then the MENU will be displayed
again. The front panel LED for any new input will light. Order of Setup
Pressing the MENU key will always bring up its first display: “Main menu Mode setup”, but you don’t have to set up the
operation of the SSP-25 in any particular order. We have laid out the setup section of the manual in the same way it
comes up as you navigate through the different levels of the menu, but we have chosen to do so only because it
seemed a logical method. You may set up only those inputs you will be using and you may set up any of the effects in
any order, or at any time, even, as we noted above, while you are watching a movie or listening to music.
Also, you will find instructions further on in the manual for some temporary changes you can make while your are
using the SSP-25, under the “TRIM” section.
So, let’s get started.
We’re basically going to use only six keys,