
The Delta
PRE is a powerful and comprehensive control
center that helps you get the most from every source and
each recording in any room.
Every source, from Phono to Network, finds a short, direct
signal path through this preamp/DAC. Analog and digital
sources alike are rendered in exquisite detail, with vivid
tonal colors and lifelike dynamics. Features including 0.25dB
precision volume steps, bypass and pass-thru modes,
and key processing tools to maximize enjoyment of every
listening experience.
Digital processing features include fully customizable tone
controls, bass management supporting stereo subwoofers,
and five-band parametric EQ for all channels. Tone control
corrects for small imbalances common in recordings. It may
be used as a conventional bass and treble control or in Tilt
mode, where the tonal balance can be subtly tilted toward
high or low frequencies.
Get smooth and extended bass response in almost any
room by adding one or two subwoofers to help fill bass dips
and by using the PEQ to tame bass peaks.