Owner's Manual

Source Setup Each of the 18 source buttons supported by your Delta PRE can be customized
in several ways to enhance system performance and/or to simplify operation. e
source select page is dynamic in that it shows up to nine sources on a single page.
If six or fewer are enabled, then the page shows six somewhat larger buttons and
if three or fewer are enabled, it shows only three large buttons. Press the button
for the source or button location you want to set up.
e rst setup page for that source includes buttons for assigning the input
connector(s) and naming the source, choosing a default speaker conguration,
setting an input oset, selecting the Pass-ru feature and choosing the Digital
Bypass path.
e second page of Source Setup buttons shows three HDMI inputs. ese are
active/available when the optional (4 input, 1 output) HDMI switching module
is installed. As with the other source buttons, these may be renamed and used
with any of the input connectors.
Enable Source is check box activates/deactivates the source button. If the Enable Source
box is checked, then the source is enabled. If the Enable Source box is NOT
checked, then the source is considered not enabled and is so identied on the
Source Selection page.
Disabling unused sources is a good way to simplify source selection. e
Source Selection page is dynamic, adjusting the number and size of buttons to
correspond to the number that are actually being used or enabled. e buttons
arrange themselves into groups of either three, six or nine buttons on the Source
Selection page.
Input Connector Choose the input connector(s) to be associated with this source button. Any
source button may be associated with any input connector(s). Also, multiple
source buttons may be assigned to the same connector(s).
Source Name e Source Name button provides a way to customize the names of the sources
as displayed on the Source Selection screen(s). For example, a music server
plugged into the Coax 1 input, you might want to rename the input Music
Server to make it easier to remember.
To change source names, use the keyboard on the touchscreen. A maximum
of 16 characters can be entered. Note that the size of the source buttons varies
depending whether you have 1-3, 4-6 or 7-9+ sources enabled, so the length of
name that may be fully displayed on the button will likewise vary. After entering