Operation Manual

The device automatically creates a new folder on the target
medium as soon as you have pressed the REC button.
1. Select the desired playback source with the function selector
switch (16) (CD/USB/SD or PHONO). Now insert a record or
2. CDs/MP3s: Press the REC button (1/2) in stop mode in
order to record the entire CD.
Records: Start playback as described under „Using the
Record Player“ and then press the REC button.
3. The device now checks whether an MP3 player or memory
card has been inserted. USB or CARD fl ashes in the
display. Recording begins automatically.
If an MP3 CD has been inserted, the device also
checks whether there is enough storage space on the
target medium.
If you have inserted both an MP3 player and a memo-
ry card, USB and CARD both appear in the display.
With the
I / I
buttons (6/8) you can select the
target medium.
If the REC button is pressed while a track on the CD
is being played back, only this track is recorded. The
device stops after the CD track has fi nished playing.
If a recording is made from a record the device does
not automatically detect the end of the track.
4. The letters „REC“ fl ash in the display and the symbol for the
target medium is shown.
In the case of MP3 CDs the copying status is displayed by
means of a percentage fi gure.
5. Press the REC button to end or interrupt recording.
Recording on USB or CARD is not possible during
programmed playback.
Programmed Play
This can be used to program any desired sequence of tracks.
1. Keep the
II /
button (7) on the device pressed down or
press the
button (4) on the remote control.
2. Press the PROGRAM key (11 on the remote control).
„PROG“ fl ashes in the display and „P01“ (memory preset)
is shown. Use the
I / I
buttons (6/8) to select the
desired track and then press the PROGRAM button again.
The display changes to memory slot P02.
3. Select the next track with the
I / I
key and press
the PROGRAM key again. Repeat the procedure until all the
desired tracks are selected.
If a disc is incorrectly inserted - or no disc has been
inserted - the symbol „FULL“ and the word „no“ appear in
the display.
4. Press the
II key (7/3). The playback starts. The selected
track numbers are shown in the display in the correct order
and the symbol
CD or
CD, MP3 and PROG. light up.
Press this button to pause briefl y the playback.
5. If the
II /
button (7) is pressed down or the
(4) pressed once, playback is stopped but the programme is
6. To resume the playback of the program press fi rst the
PROGRAM key once and then the
II key (7/3).
7. In order to delete the programme, hold the
II /
(7) down twice or press the
button (4) twice. The PROG.
control lamp goes out.
The device stops automatically once the entire sequence of
programmed tracks is completed. The programmed order of
tracks remains in the memory until you change to a different
mode, remove the CD from the CD compartment or switch off
the device.
It is also possible to combine the programmed tracks with the
REPEAT function. After you have programmed and started the
device, please press the REP/INTRO/RAN (4) (9 on the remote
control) up to four times and then you can use the functions as
described under „REP/INTRO/RAN“.
Playing back Music in MP3 Format
With this device it is possible to play back pieces of music in
MP3 format. The device also supports all standard CD types:
This machine of is able to play MP3 CDs. Up to 200 tracks can
be compressed and stored on these CDs. Your machine detects
an MP3 CD automatically (the total number of tracks and MP3s
appears in the display). If you would like to play one of these
CDs, proceed as described under „Playing CDs“. Tracks can be
programmed as described under „Playing Back Programmed
Please note:
There are a number of different recording and compression
methods, as well as quality differences between CDs and self-
recorded CDs.
Furthermore, the music industry does not adhere to fi xed
standards (copy protection).
For these reasons it is possible that in rare cases there are
problems with the playback of CDs and MP3 CDs. This is not a
malfunction of the device.
05-MC 1033 CD.indd 4105-MC 1033 CD.indd 41 13.11.2007 8:28:50 Uhr13.11.2007 8:28:50 Uhr