User's Manual

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-- Total cost: Show a total cost of the call.
-- Reset cost: Enter PIN2 code; the meter can
be cleared to re-start accounting.
-- Max cost: restricted access to cost sub-menu,
you can read, modify or cancel the feature. One
function is to amend and abolish import PIN2 code.
-- Price per unit: Call rates into the sub - menu,
you can browse, modify or cancel the feature. One
function is to amend and abolish import PIN2 code.
Note1: Some operators need you enter PIN2 codes,
please contact your network provider, in order to
obtain the password.
Note2: This feature requires network support.
¾ SIM1/SIM2 SMS counter:
-- sent: a record number of SMS has been sent.
-- received: a record number of messages have
been received.
Click on the left softkey "reset" can the two were
¾ SIM1/SIM2 GPRS Counter:
-- Last sent: the previous record of sending
-- Last received: the previous record of
receiving bytes.