User's Manual

Page 15
in the message. Interface in the calendar, press the arrow
keys on the date forward one week, press the arrow keys to
move one week after the date, press the left arrow key date
forward one day, press the right arrow keys to move the day
after the date, select the date to a dark display
[Add new schedule]: a new agenda
[View schedule]:
View the schedule one day save
[All schedule]: View the schedule all day
[Clear tasks today]: Clear the calendar day
[Clear all]: Empty all the schedules
[Go to date]: Enter the dates you want to find, the cursor will
jump to that date quickly
[Weekly]: the week / month display calendar.
Play audio files, MP3 songs; to play audio files, MP3 songs,
press the Up and Down keys to adjust the volume, press the
left and right keys to select the present, the next song, press
the OK button for the on / off Music