User's Manual

Page 2 Venture-Base Installation and Operations Manual
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Making sound clearer for the hearing impaired
requires more than just making it louder. The needs
of the hearing impaired differ from those with
normal hearing. Audio processing is needed to
reshape the sound. The most common impairments
are reduced sensitivity and dynamic range, and loss
of high frequencies. Many of the audio sources
have extremely high dynamic range — often
difficult to hear under optimal circumstances.
The Venture Base’s audio processing is similar to
that used at a commercial radio station. Automatic
gain control (AGC) controls the long-term levels,
equalizing different types of program material.
This compensates for variations in level. The
audio is tied to the AGC circuit, so incoming audio
is always controlled, greatly reducing distortion.
Audio passes through a split-band compressor,
reducing the signal’s dynamics, making the sound
not only louder but more intelligible. Normally,
available compression is very limited, since too
much compression creates a dull, muffled sound.
To prevent this, the Venture-Base splits the audio
into high and low bands. It then processes them
separately, so each band receives the correct
amount of compression. This allows more
compression overall, amplifying sound without
dullness — and without noticing the compression.
After compression, the sound is fed to the patented
Aphex Aural Exciter® circuit. This process has
been used in the recording and broadcast industries
for decades. Aphex processing creates an increase
in perceived brightness for the listener. A final
signal limiter is used to provide an absolute audio
peak level so the FM signal can never be over-
modulated (which causes distortion).
People with or without hearing impairment
appreciate this sophisticated processing, with its
clear sound and improved intelligibility.