
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: 1.800.283.5936 (USA) OR 1.801.974.3760
Microphone Activation A condition in which a microphone is gated on.
Microphone Mixing A situation in which audio from mics on different
signal lines are mixed together. All mic signals can be mixed to one signal
line, any or all outputs, or mixed into separate groups. Mic signals can also
be processed together or individually.
Microphone 1 Mode Reverts mic assignment to a designated mic when
all mics gate off.
Mute A condition in which an audio signal is attenuated below the audible
Noise Cancellation A process through which ambient noise is removed
from a signal.
Number of Open Mics (NOM)/Constant Gain Mode Adjusts the output
level based on the number of mics gated on and routed to an output.
Off Attenuation The amount of level reduction a microphone is given
when the microphone is not gated on.
PA Adaptive Mode The XAP 800 recognizes how much loudspeaker
audio is picked up by the microphones and then uses this level as the new
ambient level when audio is present at the power amplifier. This prevents
loudspeaker audio from gating ON a microphone, while still allowing
people in the room to gate ON microphones as they speak.
PA Adaptive Reference This G-Ware setting determines which output
(typically for a loudspeaker) is used as a reference for an input.
Paging Zone A subset of a paging system. Intended to isolate paging
system outputs to specific areas.
Parametric Equalizer (PEQ) A multi-band variable equalizer with control
of gain, center frequency, and bandwidth. A properly configured PEQ
enables the XAP 800 to offset speaker or room acoustic deficiencies.
Phantom Power Power supplied by the XAP 800 to power most
condenser microphones. The XAP 800 provides 24 volts of phantom power.
This feature can be switched off for devices not requiring phantom power.
Phase Plot A plot of phase angle (-180 to 180 degrees) vs. frequency
(20Hz to 20kHz) on a logarithmic scale.
Pink Noise An audio test signal containing all the frequencies in a given
audio spectrum, with equal energy in each octave.