
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: 1.800.283.5936 (USA) OR 1.801.974.3760
Preset One of 32 configurable memories in the XAP 800. A preset can be
programmed with a variety of routing, level, gating, delay, filter, and
equalizer settings to meet specific application requirements.
Preset Mask Defines whether a contact closure activates on a low or high
signal on the rear panel of the unit.
Q Quality factor. It is the ratio of the center frequency divided by the
bandwidth. Q reflects an inverse relationship to the bandwidth, and adjusts
from .02:1 to 40:1 on the XAP 800.
Ratio The amount of compression applied to the output signal compared
with the input signal as the signal exceeds the threshold level.
Release Release is a parameter which determines how quickly
compression is released after the input signal drops below the threshold.
Reverberation A diffuse acoustic energy field fed and maintained by
sound reflections from the room surfaces.
Serial Command A bit description designed to execute an instruction or
Signal Delay Used for:
1) Compensating for physical placement of multiple drivers in a cluster—to
align points of acoustic origin in the same plane.
2) Ensure matching arrival times at listeners from multiple loudspeaker
3) Using the Haas effect to maintain localization of the source, even with a
distributed system.
Signal Generator A device for generating a reference tone for sound
system calibration purposes.
Speech Leveler Essentially an AGC applied to a speech signal after
processing by a noise cancellation stage. Acts only on voice signals. Does
not pull up the noise floor during periods of no signal.
Table View Displays the numerical values of the filter parameters for all
nodes of the active filter display.
Threshold The upper or lower level at which a signal processing
mechanism begins or terminates operation.
White Noise Acoustical noise with equal energy throughout a given
frequency range.