
Connect to Site Button
The Connect to Site button connects G-Ware to the site directly or via
a modem. However, you must first set the appropriate parameters in the
Site Properties window before doing this.
Disconnect from Site Button
The Disconnect from Site button disconnects G-Ware from the site.
Site Roll Call Button
The Site Roll Call button sends a query over the Expansion Bus and
connects new units to the network.
Refresh Unit Screen
The Refresh Unit Screen refreshes the information on the screen,
based on the current configuration of the unit.
Connect to Site Button
Disconnect From Site Button
Site Roll Call Button
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: 1.800.283.5936 (USA) OR 1.801.974.3760
Refresh Unit Screen Button
Signal Generator Button
The Signal Generator button opens the Signal Generator window. The
signal generator allows the XAP 800 to generate test audio signals for
sound system calibration. See page 66 for more information.
Signal Generator Button
Gating Button
Meters Button
Gating Button
The Gating button opens the Gate View window, which allows you to
view gating activity at each mic input. See page 65 for more
Meters Button
The Meters button opens the Meter Views window, which allows you to
monitor the level of any input, output, or processing signal of the
XAP 800. See page 66 for more information.