
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: 1.800.283.5936 (USA) OR 1.801.974.3760
8. Select the Unit Type, Device, and Command you wish to use from the
menus at the bottom of the window. Other menus specific to the command
will appear so you can tailor the command to meet the requirements of your
system and venue. For many commands, the far-right menu allows you to
set the command state to 0, 1, or 2. Zero does not execute the command; it
will simply clear the command’s flag, if it is set. One executes the command
and sets the flag to on. Two executes the command and resets the flag.
Note that the Command Description pane shows the description for the
command you have selected. Click the Apply button to apply the selected
command to the Active or Inactive command button.
9. If you opened the Control Panel Builder with the toolbar button, the
Active Command and Inactive Command buttons are selectable. Click the
Active Command or Inactive Command button to set the command for
operation when the button is active or inactive. If you opened the Builder
with the Control Panel Assignment button (Preset Configuration mode),
clicking Use in Preset activates the Active Command and Inactive
Command buttons so you can configure preset commands for an active or
inactive state.
The Argument Description pane reflects argument information.
The remaining buttons in the Preset Configuration pane do the following:
The Print Preset button in the Preset Configuration Pane prints the
currently-selected preset. Note that a preset must be saved before it can be
The Save Preset button saves the current preset to G-Ware.
The Clear Preset button clears the current preset from G-Ware.
Macro Mode
The Macro Mode lets you establish macros—lists of commands—in
G-Ware software. Macros streamline the operation of the XAP 800, allowing
you to make quick configuration changes once the XAP 800 unit is running
a given preset.
For example, you can use a macro to change the volume level of speakers
in various areas of an arena when a particular preset is used. Macros can
also contain commands on other XAP 800 units. See Serial Commands on
page 92 for a list of commands which can be used in macros.
Macro Record Window