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The remaining buttons in the Document Compare window do the
The Refresh button updates the connection status to site(s) or unit(s).
Select All selects everything in the Site 1/Site 2 table.
Select None deselects anything highlighted in the table.
Click Close to exit the Document Compare Utility.
Print Reports
You can print reports for various unit or system parameters. The reports
can be customized to print certain parameters or all parameters. See
page 26 for more information about printing reports.
Command Echo
Any changes in the unit—via the front panel, RS-485, or parallel I/O—
should be sent out the RS-232, by default. This feature can be defeated
for various purposes, such as when a modem connected to the serial
port is off-line, or nothing is connected to the port.
Remote Modem Access
You can access the unit remotely through a modem connected to the
serial port. To enable this feature, configure the port for modem mode.
When in modem mode, the serial port will send an initialization string to
the modem upon entering the mode or upon power-up of the unit. You
program the initialization string in Windows software. Typical
configurations you set with the initialization string include setting a fixed
baud rate for the unit and setting up auto answer parameters.
You must enter a password before you can control the system this way.
The default password is blank (a carriage return). You can change it to
any combination of letters and/or numbers up to 16 characters. It is not
When you establish a valid serial connection with the unit in modem
mode, the unit will wait for a carriage return. When you have entered a
carriage return, the system will prompt you to enter the password. If
there is no activity for five minutes on the serial port while in modem
mode, the unit will re-prompt for the password.