
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: 1.800.283.5936 (USA) OR 1.801.974.3760
Command Structure
Commands can be either UPPER CASE or lower case. Return values are always in upper case. In order for a
command to be recognized by the serial port, the command must be terminated by a carriage return. The
command structure is as follows:
# indicates the start of a command line
DEVICE represents the device type and device number
COMMAND is the command text
[X][X] represents any additional options in the order they appear in the command descriptions
that follow
For example, a command to disable Automatic Gain Control for Mic 2 on a XAP 800 device "0" would have the
command line: #50 AGC 2 M 0. In this command line, 5=XAP 800, 0=unit 0, AGC=command, 2=channel, M=
mic group, 0=off state. If a command calls for a "null" value, leave a blank in the command line (for example,
"#50 AGC 2 M" would return the current AGC state of Mic 2 on device 50).
Note: Commands can be upper or lower case. Also, extra spaces or tabs between arguments in text
commands is allowed. For a command to be recognized by the serial port, the command must be terminated
with a carriage return.
The command string will then be explained (where necessary), followed by the returned values and (where
necessary) an example.
The RS-232 serial port protocol is 9,600, 19,200, 38,400 (default), or 57,600 baud; 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
Error Codes
The following are error messages and their explanations:
ERROR 1 Memory error. The box is out of internal memory. Power cycle the unit.
ERROR 2 No command found. A command was not found in the string.
ERROR 3 Unknown response. Connect with current G-Ware to upgrade dictionary.
ERROR 4 Not implemented. The command was not implemented.
ERROR 5 Argument error. The command has an argument that is out of range.
ERROR 6 Unknown command. The command is unknown to this unit.
ERROR 7 Bad checksum. The binary command’s checksum is wrong.
ERROR 8 Preset or macro invalid. A preset or macro failed to program because it is too large or
because its command list contained an invalid command.
ERROR 10 Queue error. The internal command queue is full. Enable flow control and use all five pins
on the serial port.
ERROR 11 Command too big. The binary command is too large.