User's Manual

Cleveland Medical Devices Inc. RatPaak™ User’s Guide
View Data Mode
To enter View Data Mode,select View Data from the Tools Menu or click on the View Data Mode button
on the Main Toolbar. Click on the trace of any channel, hold down the left mouse button, and drag it
back and forth. A label will appear showing the time and output voltage of that position on that waveform.
Annotation Mode
To enter "Annotation Mode" select Annotation Mode from the Tools Menu or click on the Annotation
Mode button on the Main Toolbar.
This mode allows you to add, edit, move, or delete annotations. In order to add an annotation, double-click
in the Display Graph where you would like the annotation to be placed. The Annotation Properties
Window will appear.
Give an appropriate label for the new annotation by typing it in the Name field. You may give more
meaning to the annotation by filling in the details within the Description field. Once you have completed
filling out the properties, click the OK button to insert the annotation.
CleveMed Proprietary