Installation and Operation Guide

4.1.5. Setting
The Setting tab allows you to program general configuration for CH-MG. Click
“Write” when you have completed all settings to confirm.
Guard Time:
When the Help Button on CH-MG is pressed, the panel will play
voice prompt “Connecting” and enter guard time.
During guard time, the panel will emit one beep every second. After
Guard Time expires, CH-MG will begin report.
Guard Time Fall Sensor:
The Guard Time for Fall Sensor’s fall detection function is set
separately from regular Guard Time.
After the Guard Time Fall Sensor expires, CH-MG will begin report.
This function is only used when a fall is detected, if the
Help Button on CH-MG or the Active Button of the learnt-in Fall
Sensor is pressed to activate alarm, normal guard time is used
Fall Sensor Sensitivity:
Select a preferred sensitivity level for the learned-in Fall Sensor FS-3.
(5 is the highest sensitivity level while 1 is the lowest sensitivity
After setting the sensitivity level from CH-MG, please press and hold
the button on the fall sensor for 8 seconds to receive the sensitivity
level data from the Control Panel. (Refer to the Fall Sensor FS-3
user manual to complete sensitivity setting.)
Speaker Volume Level
Adjust the speaker volume of CH-MG from a scale of 1-5, where
1 = minimum speaker volume
5 = maximum speaker volume