Installation and Operation Guide

programmed Group to the last programmed group. This report sequence
is one reporting cycle.
Reporting cycle is regarded as successful if any Group is successful, but
CH-MG will terminate reporting only after completing the reporting cycle
(going from the first programmed group to the last programmed group).
Reporting behavior depends on the event type:
Emergency Events:
- When reporting to the first group is successful, Reporting is
regarded as successful. CH-MG will still report to the next
group until all groups have been tried to complete the reporting
For example, Groups 1 and 3 are assigned to Emergency
If Group 1 is successful, CH-MG will still report to Group 3.
If reporting to Group 3 is successful, CH-MG will terminate
If reporting to Group 3 is unsuccessful (going through all the
Report Indexes within the group for 3 times), CH-MG will also
terminate reporting.
- When reporting to the first group failed (going through all the
Report Indexes within the group for 3 times), CH-MG will start
reporting to the next group. When reporting to the second
group succeeds, reporting is regarded as successful. If no
other group is programmed, CH-MG will stop reporting. If there
are more groups programmed, CH-MG will continue reporting
until all groups have been tried to complete the reporting cycle.
- If reporting to all the programmed groups failed in a reporting
cycle, CH-MG will wait for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, CH-MG
will retry as it starts another reporting cycle.
For Emergency event, CH-MG will try reporting for up to three
reporting cycles. If going through three reporting cycles and all
failed, CH-MG will terminate reporting.
Example 1, if Groups 1 and 3 are programmed for “Emergency”
reports, and assuming NO successful report until Group 1 is
successful after the second try:
Group 1 > Group 3 > Wait 5 minutes > Group 1 (Success!) >
Group 3 > Stops reporting whether Group 3 is successful or
Example 2, if Groups 1 and 3 are programmed for “Emergency”
reports, and assuming there is NO successful report: