Installation Instructions

button to canceland enter guard time.
During guard time, the device will emit one beep every second. If a false
alarm is triggered, it can be canceled during guard time by pressing and
holding the Active Button for 5 seconds.
After the Guard Time has expired, Mobile Lite will begin report, the alarm
event cannot be cancelled after Guard Time has expired
Guard Time Fall Sensor
The Guard Time for Fall Sensors fall detection function is set separately
from regular Guard Time.
If a false alarm is triggered by Fall Detection, it can be canceled within the
guard time fall sensor period by pressing the Active Button of Mobile Lite
for 5 seconds or pressing the Active Button of the learnt-in RF device for a
duration determined by the device (please refer to the device user
After the Guard Time Fall Sensor has expired, Mobile Lite will begin report,
the alarm event cannot be cancelled after Guard Time Fall Sensor has
This function is only used when a fall is detected, if the Active Button on
Mobile Lite or the Active Button of the learnt-in Fall Sensor is pressed to
activate alarm, normal guard time is used instead.
Confirmation Voice Prompt
After guard time expires, Mobile Lite will summon help based on the
programmed reporting methods. When Mobile Lite is reporting, it will first
play a voice prompt Connecting, and then repeat voice prompt Call in
progressevery 10 seconds to indicate that the call is in progress.
When Mobile Lite is connected to CMS successfully, it will play the voice
prompt Call Connected.
After connecting to CMS successfully and until a call recipient picks up the
call and presses any DTMF, Mobile Lite will repeat the voice prompt
Please standby for an operatorevery 10 seconds.
Last Location
The Last Location function determines Mobile Lite reporting behavior when
Mobile Lite will regularly scan for nearby Wi-Fi hotspots, other wireless
access points and store the data according to set time interval. Mobile Lite
will also check GPS location regularly according to set time interval.
When Mobile Lite is activated to send alarm report, it will begin to check
last position while acquiring new Location. If new location cannot be
acquired by the time Guard Time ends, Mobile Lite will send report with