Installation Instructions

6.4.1. Alarm Report Procedure
Mobile Lite will regularly scan for nearby Wi-Fi hotspots, other wireless
access points and store the data according set time interval. If Wi-Fi data
cannot be obtained, Mobile Lite will check GPS location instead.
When Mobile Lite button is pressed and alarm is activated, it will begin to
check last position while acquiring new Location and count down Guard
Mobile Lite will check Last Location by transmitting last stored Wi-Fi
hotspot data to Google Wi-Fi positioning service for location
identification or using last acquired GPS location. (GPS function is
only turned on when no Wi-Fi hotspot data is obtained.)
Mobile Lite will acquire new location using Wi-Fi and GPS positioning.
If new location is acquired within guard time, the alarm report is made
immediately with the new location coordinates.
If new location is not acquired by the time Guard Time ends, Mobile
Lite will send report with last location.
If there is no Last Location data stored, or it is older than 8 hours,
Mobile Lite will disregard it and send report without location.
After new position is acquired, Mobile Lite will follow up with another
If new position is acquired, and it’s in two-way communication (of
either a speech report or a callback call) following a successful IP
report, Mobile Lite will make report with location info via the
previously successful IP channel. Mobile Lite will keep updating and
reporting location info every minute before two-way communication
1. If Guard Time = 30 seconds, new Location acquired within Guard Time:
Mobile Lite makes alarm report upon Guard Time expiry along with new
Location coordinates.
2. If Guard Time = 30 seconds, new Location is NOT acquired within Guard
a. If Mobile Lite has Last Location, it makes alarm report along with
location coordinates after Guard Time has expired.
b. If Mobile Lite does not have Last Location, or the Last Location is
older than 8 hours, it makes alarm report without Location
coordinates after Guard Time has expired.
c. When new position is acquired, Mobile Lite makes follow up report
immediately with Location coordinates.