
Multi Room Audio Matrix Switcher and System Installation Instructions
4 C-Bus Programming Requirements
After an MRA system has been installed, it must be configured using C-Bus Toolkit
software and the Multi Room Audio Rapid Programming Application (MARPA).
Toolkit software lets you do the following:
Create a C-Bus project with a Group Address structure that is used by MRA
amplifiers and the MARPA software.
Enable a C-Bus system clock and burden in the matrix switcher (if required).
Configure each MRA amplifier so one or more C-Bus wall switches can control
Please download
Application Note #1 – Configuring MRA with Toolkit Software
further information.
MARPA software lets you do the following:
Assign an ID to the matrix switcher (in case multiple matrix switchers are used
on the same network of a C-Bus installation).
Configure parameters for each audio source, for example:
o Define the label (description) displayed when the source is selected.
o Configure optional audio annunciation when the source is selected.
o Set the gain/attenuation for each source.
o Configure sources and radio station presets.
o Determine which C-Bus commands are triggered by the Dynamic
Configure parameters for each zone, including,
o whether labels are sent to C-Bus DLT switches.
o whether the local input source is available.
o IR maps for dynamic control (if used).
MARPA also includes a bundled version of the C-Bus IP Utility for configuring the
network streaming feature in the deluxe matrix switcher.
Please download
Application Note #2 – Configuring MRA with MARPA Software
further information.
If your installation includes one or more touchscreens, you will require PICED
programming software (version 4.8 or higher) for configuration.
Please download
Application Note #3 – Configuring MRA with PICED Software
further information.