
2C. Advanced Programming
2.3 Power Fail Tab
The Power Fail tab shown in (Figure 10), allows you to set the level that each channel defaults to when
recovering from a power failure. Note that Recovery tab settings in an output unit (such as a relay or
dimmer) take precedence over Power Fail tab settings in an input unit. Generally, it is better to use the
Recovery tab options in output units instead of the Power Fail tab options. If the 'Restore to previous
levels' option is selected, each channel will be restored to the level it was at when the power failure
occurred. If the 'Restore to preset levels' option is selected, the values selected on the sliders will be
used as the restore level.
When the Synchronise slider option is checked, adjusting the level of any slider sets all to the same
Figure 10 – Editing a C-Bus
Wall Switch, with the Power Fail tab selected