Operation Manual

repair this machine.
This upgrade maybe can cause the machine can not work again because of the
incorrect operation.
8, Online Mode: multi drive, normal only, encrypted only
The normal MP3 user can be troubled by ‘Material Leakage’ and they would not
like others to read themselves’ personal data’, they only can delete this ‘private
data’ when their friends borrow their MP3, which it cause big trouble.
From today on, the ‘Online mode’ function in this device will solve this problem
The user can divide the USB disk to be 2 parts by any rate by the tool for the
device, (user can see 2 disk icon, For Windows2K, user should install SP4,
otherwise user only can see one disk icon, if the user would like to see the other
icon, it must be in system setting/online mode’ to select multi drive’, ‘normal
only’, ‘encrypted only’.) And can hide the password protect part (the user also
can divide 2 disks without password protect). No password then can not visit this
encrypted partition. This is the advantage of ‘Online Mode’ Function.
A, Connecting the player with computer.