User's Manual

Notifications: press to access message notifications settings:
Message notifications: press to activate or deactivate message notifications.
Mute: use this option to temporarily mute message notifications.
Sound: choose the alert message tone.
Popup notification: displays pop-up notifications for Push messages. Push
messages are notifications that a server sends to an application alerting that
there is a new information such as an email or a chat message.
General: press to access the general message settings:
Message font size: select the text size for your conversations.
Show email address: press to include email address in contact messages.
Storage settings: it allows you to set a limit of stored messages from which
the oldest messages will be deleted automatically.
Cell broadcast settings: enables cell broadcasting in the SIM card.
Service message settings: enables the reception of WAP Push messages. A
WAP Push message is a type of SMS that is used to directly access a WAP
site or page, usually to download files. The user sends an SMS and receive
another one with a welcome message to an URL, which when accepted
opens in the browser the WAP address requested.