Instructions / Assembly

figure 4
Detail shows strike on wall side / hinge post toward panel,
see also exploded view on sheet 2
Begin by inserting Inline Panel Wall Jamb (D) onto Inline Panel's Expander Jamb (b3) as shown. Bury the Wall Jamb into Inline
Panel as far as it will go.
Lift Inline Panel Assembly (B) onto base ledge and position Panel's Expander Jamb (b2) over the Door Assembly's Hinge Post
(c2) . . . insert Inline Panel Assembly (B) onto Door Assembly (C) as far as it will go.
Check to make sure that the shower assembly is centered and squared on the base curb.
Install Door Assembly
figure 3
Detail shows strike on wall side,see exploded view on sheet 2 also. Cartwheel the door assembly 180
degrees if you want the door to strike on the panel side.
Lift Door Assembly (C) onto base ledge and over Vinyl Bushing (J2) installed in step 2 then slide Door Frame (C) into Wall Jamb
Once Door Assembly is positioned, always double check to make sure that door swings out.
Leave door assembly standing as is temporarily and do not fasten at this time.
Install Inline Panel onto Door Assembly