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Bargello Knit Scarf
RED HEART® Unforgettable®:
3 balls 3943 Stained Glass.
Susan Bates® Knitting
Needles: 5mm [US 8]
Susan Bates® Crochet Hook:
5mm [US H-8]
2 stitch markers, 3 zip-closure
plastic baggies, 1 zip-closure
plastic bag large enough to
hold all the balls of yarn in
smaller baggies, permanent
marker, yarn needle
GAUGE: 15 sts = 3" [7.5 cm];
23 rows = 4" [10 cm] in
Lace pattern. CHECK YOUR
GAUGE. Use any size needles
to obtain the gauge.
Art. E793 available
in 3.5 oz (100 g), 270 yd (247
m) balls
Designed by Patty Nance
What you will need:
Using Unforgettable® yarn with
rich shadings makes it possible to create a
Bargello effect of many colors—even though
it is really all one yarn color. All three lacy
columns of this lace pattern scarf are knit at
the same time. Be sure to read the notes for
hints on doing knit Bargello!
Scarf measures about 10 x 80" [25.5 x
203 cm].
1. Scarf is worked back and forth in
rows of Lace pattern, changing color
to make 3 intarsia columns.
2. When changing yarn, always pick up
the new yarn from under the yarn
being dropped to link the yarns and
prevent holes.
3. Before beginning, examine the
starting colors of each ball of yarn.
Make sure that each ball starts on
a different color. Winding off a few
yards may be needed to ensure that
the starting colors are all different.
4. To minimize tangling place each ball
into its own zip-closure plastic baggie
with the end of yarn hanging out and
the baggie zipped almost all the way
closed. With permanent marker, label
each baggie with one of A, B, and C.
Pattern Stitch
Lace Pattern (over 15 sts)
Row 1 (right side): K3tog, k3, yo, [k1, yo]
3 times, k3, sssk.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: Knit.
Row 4: Purl.
Repeat Rows 1-4 for Lace pattern.
Special Stitches
k3tog (knit 3 stitches together) = Insert
needle into next 3 stitches as if to knit
and knit them as one – 2 sts decreased.
sssk (slip, slip, slip, knit) = Slip next 3
stitches, one at a time, as if to knit to
right needle, slip these stitches back
to left needle and knit them together
(k3tog) through the back loops (that
are now in front of needle) – 2 sts
With A, cast on 51 sts.
Knit 2 rows.
Set-Up Row 1 (right side): K18, drop
A, place marker; join B and k15, drop B,
place marker; join C and k18.
Set-Up Row 2 (wrong side): Working
each intarsia section with its own yarn
and linking yarns to prevent holes (see
note 2), k3, purl to last 3 sts, k3.
Place all the bagged yarns into the
larger zip-closure baggie. Placing the
yarns in the larger baggie ensures that
for the duration of the project it will
not be necessary to reposition the
yarn balls as you work. The yarns will
link with each other while working a

Summary of content (2 pages)